
Tribute to bob marley om namah shivaya mp3 download
Tribute to bob marley om namah shivaya mp3 download

tribute to bob marley om namah shivaya mp3 download

From this root arises the sacred names Allaha (aramaic) Allah (Arabic) Elohim (Hebrew), and Elat (Old Canaanite).

tribute to bob marley om namah shivaya mp3 download

They are believed to have all originally called God either El or Al which means "that" "the One" or "that One which expresses itself uniquely through all things". All the major traditions that arose from the Middle east i.e Jewish, Christian and Islamic have their roots in the same source, the same Mother Earth and probably from the same language. Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God. Tubwayhun Tubwayhun lahwvday shlama dawnaw (hie) d'alaha nitqarun. The Absolute (Perfection) is taken from the Absolute (Perfection), yet the Absolute (Perfection) remains. Absolute (Perfection) arises out of the Absolute (Perfection). Om Poornamadah Om poornamadah poornamidam Poornaat poornamudachyate Poornasya poornamaadaya Poornamevaavashishyate That is Absolute (Perfect). I have taken refuge in you and bow to you". Gaida on Tubwayhun Chris Rollans - Guitar on Krishna Manohara, Slide Guitar on Lokah All musical and vocal arrangements by Vicki Hansen and Ron Ragel Engineering by Vicki Hansen, GNP Studios Drum programming by Vicki Hansen Mixing and mastering by Peter Kennard, Soundevents Cover Design and layout by Selena Quintrell, Eternal Sun Publishing Tracks Ode to the Goddess One of the most beloved verses in praise of the Goddess 'sarva mangala mangalye shive sarvaartha saadhike sharanye tryambake gauri naaraayani namostute' "Adorations to the Goddess, who is the auspiciousness of all that is auspicious, to the accomplisher of all objectives who is the bestower of every desire of one's heart. Kahlil Gibran Track 1 Ode to the Goddess Track 2 Om Poornamadah Track 3 Tubwayhun Track 4 Om Namah Shivaya Track 5 Song to Krishna Track 6 Lokah Track 7 The Triple Gem Track 8 The Gayatri Musical Credits: Vocals and keyboards by Vicki Hansen and Ron Ragel Sarangan Sriranganathan - Sitar on Ode to the Goddess, Voice on Om Namah Shivaya Kim Sanders - Duduk on Tubwayhun, The Triple Gem and The Gayatri.

tribute to bob marley om namah shivaya mp3 download

"O Music, In your depths we deposit our hearts and souls You have taught us to see with our ears And to hear with our hearts". Tuning oneself to the beauty and joy of the music is the real spiritual attainment, connecting us to the Divine Source of all existence. Instruments such as Sitar, Armenian Duduk, Turkish Gaida, guitar, keyboards and beautiful vocal harmonies, backed by smooth drum grooves, make this a very powerful and extremely listenable album. The mantras on this album are some of the most popular and powerful on the planet, They come from Sanskrit, Aramaic, Latin and Buddhist traditions, taking the listener on a musical journey that is contemporary, worldly and accessible to everyone. "Om Spiritus" is the coming together of all ("the One"), invoking the primordial sound of Om and spreading the message of peace throughout our beautiful world.

Tribute to bob marley om namah shivaya mp3 download